Rhea's Story

Almost ten years ago, I gave my daughter twelve purple latex balloons full of helium on her birthday. I had no problems with balloons at that time. Over the past ten years, I must use latex free products like gloves and bandages. My medical and dental visits reflect this. Breathing around latex products, especially larger ones like medical gloves and balloons is very difficult for me. I have exited stores because of balloon displays and stopped most shopping at Fry's grocery store, where most of my groceries were purchased in the past. They kept up latex balloons in areas where I would shop (produce, meat, dairy) and numerous emails and comments to store management. Home Depot stopped using latex balloons in their store after I mentioned it. Lowe's did not. It is as if a cigar smoker follows right behind me. Too difficult to breathe. I am a very healthy person, exercise, and have a resting pulse rate around 58. I just want to be able to breathe easily when I shop!


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