Wear Medical Alert Identification
Carry with you at all times:
Medications, as prescribed by your allergist (including anaphylaxis medications: EpiPen® (epinephrine) Auto-Injector carry 2 doses, allergy medications: antihistamine, asthma medications: inhaler/albuterol)
Non-latex gloves
Letter from your allergist regarding your latex allergy status
Notify the following of your latex allergy and other pertinent information:
Local EMS
Medical/dental providers
Family members, friends, schools, daycares, employer and co-workers
Natural rubber latex gloves, balloons, condoms and other natural rubber products
Be aware of and consult with your allergist regarding:
Proper use of all medications
"Hidden" latex on food prepared with latex gloves
Lactiferous plants that may have cross reactive proteins
Foods with cross reactive proteins to natural rubber (banana, avacado, kiwi, chestnut)
Carry a list of medication as prescribed by your allergist
Any additional information from your allergist
The American Latex Allergy Association depends on your membership dues and contributions to provide services to individuals and professionals.