The American Latex Allergy Association was a national non-profit 501,(c)(3), tax exempt organization that provides educational information about latex allergy and supports latex-allergic individuals. Originally, the organization was formed by a group of approximately 30 health care workers who acquired latex allergy. We sought to provide information and support for one another, as well as to other persons and organizations. Our original name A.L.E.R.T., Inc. continues to reflect our mission: Allergy to Latex Education and Resource Team.
The mission of the American Latex Allergy Association was to create awareness of latex allergy through education and to provide support to individuals who have been diagnosed with latex allergy.
If you have natural rubber latex allergy the American Latex Allergy Association can help!
The organization closed December 31, 2016
The American Latex Allergy Association depends on your membership dues and contributions to provide services to individuals and professionals.