American Latex Allergy Association
Sue Lockwood, Executive Director
63334 Lohmann Lane
Eastman WI 54626
Phone: (888) 97-ALERT
American Latex Allergy Association Announces
Latex Allergy Awareness Week October 4th-10th, 2015
Be Aware….Latex can be Everywhere
MILWAUKEE, WI (April 16, 2015) –The American Latex Allergy Association announces the celebration of Latex Allergy Awareness Week October 4th-10th, 2015. The theme and events will focus this year on Latex can be Everywhere. Avoidance, Prevention, Awareness, Education, and Vigilance are the keys to living with latex allergy.
American Latex Allergy Association is the leading national, non-profit, latex allergy educational, advocacy and support organization, founded in 1993 in Milwaukee Wisconsin. The organization was formed by a group of approximately 30 health care workers who acquired the latex allergy. The original name was A.L.E.R.T., Inc., (Allergy to Latex Education Resource Team). The name was formally changed to American Latex Allergy Association (ALAA) in 2004 to better reflect its national reputation as the primary resource for latex allergy information, awareness and advocacy in the United States.
Our mission is to provide educational information and support to all those interested in latex allergy. Now, with about 5000 we serve, that is still ALAA’s mission to create awareness of latex allergy through education and to provide support to individuals who have been diagnosed with latex allergy.
Latex Allergy Awareness Week started with local educational seminars, displays for the allergists, hospitals, and medical professionals and now has grown to include ALL those interested in latex allergy. Especially, the general population, parents, children, the schools, and the restaurants because many of these areas are lacking in the knowledge of what is latex allergy and what can they do to provide a latex safe environment.
The importance of Latex Allergy Awareness week is to continue to highlight the many complex issues of latex allergy and keep the medical community and the general public vigilant in the efforts to understand latex allergy issues and create “latex-safe” environments.
Latex Allergy Awareness Week brings about the Awareness of Latex Allergy and then provides educational resources and support to alleviate the complexity and confusion of latex allergy.
Marsha Smith, President and Sue Lockwood, Executive Director and Co-founders; are excited to celebrate this event.
Watch for more details on our website, FaceBook or Twitter. Keep these dates open to come and join us in this celebration.
The American Latex Allergy Association (A.L.E.R.T., Inc.) is a national, nonprofit, 501(c)3 organization whose mission is to create awareness of latex allergy through education and to provide support to individuals who have been diagnosed with latex allergy.
The American Latex Allergy Association depends on your membership dues and contributions to provide services to individuals and professionals.