What is the difference between Spandex and Lycra®?

Answered by: *To answer the question we contacted DuPont.

Thank you for your inquiry. This note is to verify that LYCRA® elastane fiber manufactured by DuPont does not contain any natural latex or rubber. However, you should be aware that a garment which contains LYCRA® elastane fiber may also contain natural rubber or latex. The garment manufacturer is only required to list the fiber components which exceed a certain percent. For example, it would be possible for a swimsuit label to say 90% nylon and 10% LYCRA®, yet have a small amount of natural latex around the legs.

The only way for a consumer to be certain that a garment does not contain any natural rubber is to look for a label on the garment which certifies the article as being "latex free" or to contact the manufacturer for that information. Unfortunately we do not have a listing of companies that produce latex free apparel. 

LYCRA® is DuPont's brand of elastane, or spandex. The word "spandex" is used only in the United States while "elastane" is recognized worldwide, so we tend to use the more widely known term.

I hope this information is helpful. Please contact us again if you need further assistance and visit our website https://www.lycra.com/en/ for more information about our products.

DuPont Textiles & Interiors Inquiry Center
Wilmington, DE. USA
dti@usa.dupont.com (email)
www.lycra.com (web)

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