FITkit® is an immunological test for measuring natural rubber latex allergens from a variety of rubber products, such as gloves. A separate FITkit is available for measuring each of the major allergens: Hev b 1, Hev b 3, Hev b 5 and Hev b 6.02. These highly sensitive tests use specific monoclonal antibodies developed against the clinically relevant latex allergens present in NRL products.
Each FITkit® contains all reagents ready to use for testing 41 duplicate samples. FITkits are developed by leading scientists working in the area of NRL allergy. The kits show good correlation to the allergenicity of gloves, measured by currently available patient IgE methods. From 2006, FITkit® method is part of European standard EN455-3 for medical gloves" (Medical gloves for single use – Part 3: Requirements and testing for biological evaluation).
The advantages of FITkits are:
FITkit® Product Information
FITkit® Testing Service Information
*Original content can be found at Icosagen.
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