The User Facility Reporting Bulletin is a quarterly publication of the Division of Device User Programs and Systems Analysis (DDUPSA), Center for Devices and Radiological Health (CDRH), Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
Its purpose is to assist hospitals, nursing homes and other medical device user facilities in complying with their statutory reporting requirements under the Safe Medical Devices Act of 1990 and the Medical Device Amendments of 1992.
The User Facility Reporting Bulletin (UFRB) mailing list notifies subscribers when new issues of the Bulletin are posted on the Internet. For a subscription to the UFRB Mailing List, visit this page.
The publication's contents may be freely reproduced.
Comments should be directed to:
Editor, User Facility Reporting Bulletin
Division of Device User Programs and Systems Analysis
FDA/CDRH/OCER (HFZ-230) 1350 Piccard Drive
Rockville, MD 20850 FAX (301) 594-0067
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